泰國積極因應歐盟新作業規定泰國積極因應歐盟新作業規定歐盟為全力掃蕩全球日益猖獗的IUU作業活動與保育海洋生態,於去年9月公告,嚴禁任何涉嫌以非法、無報告、未受規範(IUU)作業方式捕獲的水產品於2010年前輸入歐盟。而欲與歐盟市場打交系統傢俱道的泰國水產品製造商與出口商,也積極做好因應歐盟新作業規定的準備。歐盟新作業規定一旦實施將嚴重衝擊年漁獲量逾300萬公噸的泰國漁業;另觀察家也憂心會打亂泰國擁有13,000艘漁船,總噸數從10公噸以下至50公噸以上各種尺寸漁船船隊。泰國西裝外套大部分的遠洋作業漁船領有公海作業許可,而出口蝦則大多源自養殖業。泰國漁業部部長表示,泰國可觀的出口量應是歐盟將其納入8個試驗國家名單的主要考量;儘管屆時要求於漁港卸魚的小型拖網船提出漁獲來源證明恐有其執行難度,仍會配合遵守歐結婚盟新措施的相關規定。(摘譯於INFOFISH Trade News,NO.7/2009,15 April 2009)THAILAND IS READY FOR THE EU NEW FISHING RULESThailand’s seafood producers and exporters have been urged to prepare for new fishing rules from the 票貼European Unionif they want to sell products there. The EU decided in September last year to ban any entry of fishery productssuspected to be caught by illegal, unregulated or unreported (IUU) fishing, by 2010. The measure 帛琉aims to eliminaterampant IUU fishing activities worldwide and preserve the marine ecology and environment.It could affect the Thai fishing industry, which catches more than three million MT of fish a year. Some observers 褐藻醣膠areworried as the country has about 13 000 fishing vessels of all sizes, ranging from below than 10 MT gross to more than50 MT, there could be chaos when the rule is implemented. Most of Thailand long distance fishing 賣屋vessels have beenlicensed for harvesting marine produce in international waters, while all shrimp exports are from farmed cultivation.The difficulties might occur at fishing ports where a number of small trawlers unload 房屋買賣their catches as these trawlersneed to spend time to report where the fishes come from. Dr. Somying Piumsombun, Director-General of the FisheriesDepartment, however, confirmed the country has compiled with the EU new rules 汽車借款for sometime. She said that Thailandis one of eight countries that the EU chose for a test case, considering its export quantity.

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